Part 3: Custom fonts in ReactNative

Lara Mo
2 min readDec 19, 2021


Simple tutorial to add custom fonts to your ReactNative project


While this article is directed to Windows users who develop an Android application using ReactNative, here are the versions of some tools I used while writing this article:

Step 1: Download the font collection

Download the ZIP bundle of the font collection of your choice. Here is a good source to use:

Step 2: Import fonts to the project

Unzip the fonts folder and add the fonts you will be using in your project.
I store my fonts under src/assets/fonts
For a recommended project structure, visit part2 of this series.

Personally, I will be only using two .ttf files out of the whole bundle (Regular and Medium).

fonts I use in my current project

Step 2.1: Renaming fonts

Ok, so this step is a little odd. My articles are targeted for Android dev only as I don't own a Mac to test my code on XCode. However, I have courted a common issue at work we can avoid.

The following list shows most of the default fonts for android and ios: Notice how android has only a couple of fonts that are built-in. IOS on the other hand, has a bunch. To avoid “double linking”, we will rename our fonts to have the same name as ios.

However, the font I chose to use for this article isn't available on ios either. I will rename the font files just to appear a little nicer regardless.

renaming fonts

Step 3: Create a config file

Create a config file called react-native.config.js in the root of your project.
Reference the fonts.

Step 4: Almost there, linking
Let's link our assets.

npx react-native link

Step 5: Usage

Until the next article!




Lara Mo
Lara Mo

Written by Lara Mo

Student @Concordia University | Front-end developer @Plusgrade Passionate about React, JS, CSS, HTML and coffee :) | Coding & coffee is my moto ☕👩‍💻

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